Work Area
Land Systems
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Improving clean energy infrastructure deployment on federal public lands
U.S. public lands present extensive opportunities to manage ecosystems as carbon sinks and for climate resilience.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on Proposed Conservation and Landscape Health Rule
Clean Air Task Force comments to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management on the proposed Conservation and Landscape Health rule.
U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard: Challenges and opportunities on the path to decarbonizing the transportation sector
Biofuels could play a key role in decarbonizing segments of the transportation sector, but it’s essential that we design our bioenergy policies in ways that ensure their overall climate benefit.
Clean Air Task Force Comments in Response to EPA’s Third Triennial Report to Congress
Clean Air Task Force offered comments in response to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s draft document titled, “Biofuels and the Environment: Third Triennial Report to Congress (External Review Draft).”
Clean Air Task Force Response to Request for Public Input About Implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act Funding
Clean Air Task Force response to request for public input about implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act funding.
European proposal for a Carbon Removal Certification Framework the first step towards verifiable carbon dioxide removals
The European Commission’s Carbon Removal Certification Framework proposal marks the beginning of a process towards creating a cohesive vision for the deployment of carbon removal technologies, both in Europe and around the world.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on the Treatment of Forest Derived Biomass Electricity Under Section 45Y
Clean Air Task Force comments to the Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service on the treatment of forest derived biomass electricity under Section 45Y.
Clean Air Task Force Response to Request for Information on Climate-Related Financial Risk
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) and the Natural Capital Exchange (NCX) submitted a response to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) request for information on climate-related financial risk. CATF and NCX wholeheartedly support the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s efforts to gather valuable information on best practices for fostering healthy and…