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Fact Sheet
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Occupational Exposure to Diesel Exhaust
U.S. industries have relied on diesel engines to power equipment and machinery since diesels gained popularity in the 1950s. Yet, only a few decades later scientists were already investigating the health consequences of operating and working around diesel engines for workers such as truck drivers, mechanics and equipment operators. Since…
CATF Position Paper on Biofuels Policy Development
The Impacts on Water Quality From Placement of Coal Combustion Waste In Pennsylvania Coal Mines
Diesel In America Report Facts and Jones Day Rebuttal
The industry law firm, Jones Day, in its 2005 critique, “Taking the Clean Air Task Force to Task”, accuses Clean Air Task Force (CATF) of “junk science” for its report Diesel in America—The Lingering Threat. In the piece, Jones Day ignores facts about the standardized methodology used by CATF and…
CATF Investigations of Crankcase Emissions And Controls
EPA’s Decision to Exempt Older Power Plants from New Water-Using Technology Requirements