CATF Resources
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The National Environmental Policy Act: A Stakeholder Engagement Factsheet
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) provides opportunities for communities, members of the public, and other interested stakeholders to stay informed, participate, and influence federal actions such as federally funded projects. This factsheet provides information to help stakeholders engage in the NEPA process.
Joint CSO letter to Commissioner Jorgensen
Nine organisations welcome Commissioner Jørgensen as Commissioner for Energy and Housing and outline key recommendations and benefits around reducing methane emissions.
Financing Nuclear Energy in Poland
Decarbonising Poland’s economy requires a comprehensive, sector-specific approach.
Europe Needs Clean Hydrogen – and a Reality Check on the Policies to Deliver It
The new legislative term provides a critical moment to update the EU Hydrogen Strategy and spearhead a clean hydrogen roadmap toward 2050.
The Balancing Act: Risks and Benefits of Integrating Permanent Carbon Removals into the EU ETS
This report examines the integration of permanent carbon removals into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS).
Potential for Waste Sector Methane Reduction in Côte d’Ivoire
This policy brief characterizes the waste sector’s methane emissions and policy opportunities for Côte d’Ivoire.
Pathways to a Community-Centered, Resilient, and Decarbonized Grid for New England
This report examines the critical role that community engagement will play in meeting New England’s 2050 decarbonization goals.
The Case for Action on Tropospheric Ozone
Reducing tropospheric ozone by controlling the emissions of its precursors (nitrogen oxides and organic volatile compounds) will help in avoiding climate tipping points, building resilience and delivering clean air. This policy brief outlines the latest science on tropospheric ozone, examples of cost effective solutions, and recommendations for policymakers, funders and…