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Clean Air Task Force Comments on EPA’s Proposed Residual Risk and Technology Review for the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
The coalition of groups urged the agency to strengthen the standards to reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants from coal-fired power plants.
Petition for Rulemaking to Revise the New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Clean Air Task Force joined other NGOs urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin its required review of municipal solid waste performance standards and emission guidelines under Section 111 of the Clean Air Act.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on the Bureau of Land Management’s Proposed Rule on Wasteful Flaring and Venting of Gas
Clean Air Task Force joined a number of conservation and community groups urging the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to take much stronger action to curb wasteful venting and flaring of publicly and Tribally owned gas.
U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard: Challenges and opportunities on the path to decarbonizing the transportation sector
Biofuels could play a key role in decarbonizing segments of the transportation sector, but it’s essential that we design our bioenergy policies in ways that ensure their overall climate benefit.
Congress passes debt limit bill, includes provisions that will stall climate and clean energy deployment
The Senate passed H.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which includes changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Turning commitment to action: Implementing the Inflation Reduction Act
Passing these landmark tax credits is only the first step toward deploying technologies on the ground that will help the U.S. reach its climate goals.
California’s transmission permitting: Slowest in the West?
It currently takes over a decade to build new transmission projects in California. Without reducing these lead times, it is highly unlikely that California will be able to deliver on its world-leading climate ambitions.
Updated analysis shows dramatic variation of methane emissions among U.S. oil and gas producers
Updated analysis benchmarks the relative emissions intensity and total reported methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide emissions of more than 300 U.S. oil and gas producers.