CATF Articles & Posts
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EPA’s New Rules Pave Way for Geologic Sequestration of CO2
It may sound like science fiction, but what if we could “scrub” all the carbon dioxide emitted from coal-fired power plants and inject it deep into the Earth, permanently locking it up in rocks? Well, this is fact, not fiction, and it’s called carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). And it…
A Cleantech Revolution in Four Easy Steps
A recent National Academy of Sciences report notes that CO2 lasts thousands of years in the atmosphere, so if we really want to limit the damage from climate change, we’ll need to drop the world’s energy system to near-zero emissions by 2050. Yet the U.N.’s climate chief, Cristina Figueres, recently…
Can We Control Black Carbon in the Arctic by Reducing Agricultural Fires?
One long day down, and one to go at a global meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, where climate scientists, fire experts, farmers, regulators and NGOs have been discussing the role of springtime fires on climate change in the Arctic and what must be done to reduce the occurrence of set…
The Sky is Not Falling and The Lights Will Still Be On…
This week, NERC, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation—an industry-funded group charged with keeping the lights on—released a long awaited and much anticipated report on the impact of a number of potential EPA regulations for the power sector. And guess what? Much to the chagrin of those who have said…