CATF Articles & Posts
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Shifting from pledges to action: COP29’s role in climate accountability
As we hurtle towards another Conference of the Parties (COP), this year in Azerbaijan, it is only natural to reflect on the progress the global climate community has made since meeting at COP28 in Dubai last year. Whilst recent reports show significant growth in clean energy investments, global emissions continue…
CATF at Climate Week NYC: Highlighting the need for innovation and pragmatism
New York – Clean Air Task Force (CATF) experts will be on the ground at Climate Week NYC, highlighting the importance of increased innovation and pragmatism at a series of high-impact engagements. Find CATF experts at the following Climate Week NYC events: The Clean Energy Transition Date: Monday, September…
We just celebrated International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. Here’s what the U.S. has done well and what it must do next.
The day is observed annually, and this year’s theme is “Invest in #CleanAirNow.”
Six things the UK should consider when integrating greenhouse gas removals into its emissions trading scheme
In 2021, the United Kingdom (UK) took a bold step in its climate strategy and debuted the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
Germany’s National Energy and Climate Plan: A positive step forward, but underestimates the climate challenge
Germany submitted its final National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) to the European Commission on August 29.
Central and Eastern Europe advance an options-based strategy: Key climate and energy takeaways from GLOBSEC 2024
The GLOBSEC Forum offered an opportunity to reflect on key challenges and opportunities ranging from cybersecurity and the energy transition.
BLM takes critical step forward with updated Western Solar Plan, accelerates clean energy deployment while safeguarding climate
Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) unveiled its proposed strategy for solar energy development on public lands.
Carbon dioxide without borders: Connecting the UK and EU can create a more resilient and lower-cost CO2 storage network
The UK’s exit from the EU has meant that its huge potential storage capacity can no longer be used by CO2 emissions from EU-based sources.