CATF Articles & Posts
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More Ethanol, More Problems
The ethanol industry produces more ethanol than the US fuel market can readily use.
Slamming the Brakes on Climate Super Pollutants
Is there still time to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C, the aspirational aim of the Paris Agreement? This week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its take on that question.
EPA Publishes Paper on Health Impacts of Oil and Gas Air Pollution
EPA scientists recently published a paper documenting serious and widespread human health impacts from the pollution dumped in the air by the US oil and gas industry.
CATF Statement on Final BLM Methane Waste Rule Final Rollback
In a direct insult to Western communities, native Americans and the taxpaying American public, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has once again chosen to instead favor the oil and gas industry by discarding the protections of the Bureau of Land Management’s methane waste rule.
CATF Responds to House Passage of Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act
Clean Air Task Force applauds the passage of the bipartisan Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA) by voice vote in the House today.
CATF Statement on EPA NSPS Methane Proposal
Once again, the EPA is attempting to ignore common sense, proposing to significantly alter the requirements of the methane regulations for new and modified oil and gas sources.
CATF Statement on Proposed Repeal of Clean Power Plan
President Trump’s latest attempt to “Make Coal Great Again” is his proposed replacement for the Obama-era Clean Power Plan (CPP).
México Introduce Propuesta de Estándares Para Reducir ta Contaminacion de Metano en el Sector Petrolero
Hoy México propuso estándares exigibles para el sector petrolero mexicano, que al ser implementados, podrían reducir la contaminación de gas de metano del sector petrolero (gas natural y petróleo) en el país entre un 40 y 45 porciento.