The importance of carbon management to decarbonize the industrial sector of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Clean Air Task Force has assessed the development of a carbon management industry in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. According to a study by the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, key industries in North Rhine-Westphalia will require carbon management and CO2 transport infrastructure to become climate-neutral in 2045. North Rhine Westphalia is Germany’s largest among 16 Federal States, responsible for approximately one-quarter of Germany’s entire CO2 emissions per year. Developing a carbon management industry would enable its industrial sector, which employs approximately a third of its workforce, to mitigate up to 97% of its emissions.
To enable the development of a carbon management industry, the Government of North Rhine-Westphalia has prepared a Carbon Management Strategy with four key areas of focus:
- Reduction of Carbon Intensity in Industry
Development of carbon-free technologies, a hydrogen economy and renewable energy generation - Sustainable Carbon Usage
Emphasise and monitor the sustainable use of biogenic sources while creating value pathways through the Emissions Trading System, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and Carbon Contracts for Difference - CO2 Management
Planning development of CO2 transportation infrastructure for national and international cooperation, while providing a more harmonious legal framework for CO2 storage - Social Discourse
Provide public awareness and education on carbon management while promoting low-carbon products with a Sustainable Carbon Label