CATF Resources
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Making sense of recent comparisons of the climate impacts of coal vs. gas for power generation
CATF Testimony to U.S. EPA regarding Oil and Natural Gas Sector: New Source Performance Standards and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant Reviews; Proposed Rule
Comparison Between Recent AEP Press Release (6/2011), Announcing “Plan For Compliance With Proposed EPA Regulations,” and Agreements Made With AEP In 2007 Consent Decree
CATF Testimony to U.S. EPA Regarding Federal Efforts to Protect Public Health by Reducing Diesel Emissions
Testimony of Conrad G. Scheider before the clean air subcommittee of the environment and public works committee regarding federal efforts to protect public health by reducing diesel emissions.
Arctic Webinar 2011 – Threats to Greenland Icecap, Short-lived Climate Forcers and Arctic Council Meeting: What can the U.S. do?
CATF Testimony to the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Improving and Reforming the Nation’s Surface Transportation Programs
Aerosol, Monsoon Rainfall Variability and Climate Change
Moving Forward: Refining the Science, Changing Policy