CATF Resources
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A Survey of Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing Applications to Fusion Commercialization
As the world grapples with the growing climate challenge, the need for clean, firm power has become apparent. Between the rising demand for data centers and the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI), there is a growing need for energy sources capable of providing abundant and consistent zero-carbon electricity. Fusion energy,…
Flaring Accountability
This report determines, for the first time, a company’s whole flaring impact around the world.
Wired for Savings
Expanding California’s electrical transmission system is crucial for the state to achieve its climate targets.
Clean Air Task Force Comments on NYSERDA’s Nuclear Blueprint
Nuclear technology and other clean firm technologies will be a key part of the energy transition across many jurisdictions.
Mexican Waste Sector Methane Analysis
This report provides an overview of waste management in Mexico and focuses on methane emissions from the sector.
The Global Race for Advanced Nuclear Is On
The 2024 update tracks nearly 80 advanced nuclear demonstration projects, but these numbers do not tell the full story.
Evaluating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) in the Power Sector for African Countries
This study presents a comprehensive methodology and generates cost of capital estimates for all African countries.
Clean Air Task Force Response to German Power Plant Safety Act Consultation (KWSG)
Clean Air Task Force submitted comments in response to the German Power Plant Safety Act Consultation (KWSG).