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Joint NGO Statement on BLM Methane Rule Circuit Court Victory
Late last night, a U.S. District Court granted a preliminary injunction striking down Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s attempt to delay for one year implementation of the Bureau of Land Management’s methane waste rule. A coalition of government watchdog groups filed a lawsuit in December 2017 to prevent Zinke from delaying…
CATF Statement on CTGs Rollback
Once again, the Trump Administration is taking aim at reasonable protections for American public health in favor of their cronies in the oil and gas industry. Their target this time are air pollution control guidelines (formally known as Control Techniques Guidelines, or CTGs) issued by the EPA in October 2016,…
CATF Statement on BLM Methane Rule Rollback
Once again, the Trump Administration is running a full-frontal assault on American public lands, the public health, and the environment. As announced yesterday, Department of the Interior Secretary Zinke’s latest gift to the oil and gas industry is a proposal that seeks to remove most of the waste-preventing requirements of…
CATF Statement on Passage of 45Q Legislation
Early this morning, the U.S. Congress took a landmark step by passing one of the most important bills for reducing global warming pollution in the last two decades. The FUTURE Act in the Senate, which was included in a sweeping two-year budget deal, will increase 45Q tax credits for practitioners…
CATF Statement on XTO Support for Methane Regulations
XTO has helpfully moved the conversation on oil and gas air pollution forward by acknowledging the importance of methane regulations, including on existing oil and gas equipment. XTO calls for “jurisdictionally appropriate” regulations that “stay pragmatic and seek the possible.” That is an accurate description of the actual regulations that…
What Americans Need to Hear from EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt
On Tuesday, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt will testify before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, providing a prime opportunity for the public to hear him address questions about his ongoing efforts to roll back regulations designed to reduce pollution.
CATF Statement on Pruitt Recusal Letter on CPP Rulemaking
Groups’ Letter Seeks Disqualification of Pruitt from Clean Power Plan Repeal Proceeding The U.S. Constitution and statutes give Americans a voice in lawmaking. This is why every agency administrator must consider public comment on regulatory actions and approach rulemaking with an open mind. Public health and environmental groups today filed…
The Role of 45Q Carbon Capture Incentives in Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions
The 115th Congress is considering tax incentives that would reduce CO2 emissions by tens of millions of tonnes annually, in the form of the FUTURE Act (S 1353) and the Carbon Capture Act (HR 3761). The language in these bills would extend and expand Section 45Q of the U.S. tax…