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CCUS in California: Climate Opportunity and Policy Need
CATF Welcomes the First Non-Light Water Reactor License Application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) welcomes the submission by Oklo of the first ever non-light water reactor combined operating license application (COLA) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This important milestone paves the way for future deployment, additional applications, and allows for years of preparatory work by the NRC to be…
Clean Air Task Force Welcomes Introduction of the Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act
Earlier this month, Representatives Conor Lamb (PA-17) and Dan Newhouse (WA-4) introduced H.R. 6097, the Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act (NERDA). This bipartisan bill supports the role of existing and future nuclear technology to achieve national and international decarbonization goals and CATF welcomes its introduction. CATF considers nuclear energy…
2020 NEPA Revisions
Clean Air Task Force offers our comments on the Council on Environmental Quality (“CEQ”) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM or proposal”), “Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act,” 85 Fed. Reg. 1,684 (Jan. 10, 2020). CATF strongly opposes this effort to undermine protective…
New Study on Building With Wood and Global Climate Change has New England Regional Implications, Part 1
A new report from an international team of scientists concludes that managing forests better and using engineered wood products to build tall buildings in urban areas could have a major effect in addressing damaging climate change. (Buildings as a global carbon sink, Churkina, et al). In this two-part blog, we…
CATF Statement on EPA Supplemental Proposed Rule on “Censored Science”
Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advanced another chapter in its effort to restrict the Agency’s use of the best available science by announcing a supplemental proposed rule that applies even more broadly than its original ill-conceived proposal. Despite strong opposition and concern expressed by the scientific community, environmentalists, and…
Building a 100 Percent Clean Economy: Advanced Nuclear Technology’s Role in a Decarbonized Future
Testimony of Armond Cohen Before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy on March 3rd, 2020.
CATF Statement on the CLEAN Future Act
“Clean Air Task Force is encouraged to see the progress made by the House Energy and Commerce Committee leadership in creating the ‘CLEAN Future Act’ framework for a comprehensive climate bill that will achieve 100 percent decarbonization by 2050,” said Conrad Schneider, Advocacy Director of Clean Air Task Force. “From…