CATF Articles & Posts
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Photos from B.C.’s Leaking Methane Gas Wells Confirm Need for Stronger Regulations
EARTHWORKS, PEMBINA INSTITUTE, CLEAN AIR TASK FORCE AND DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION VANCOUVER — Images taken with high-tech equipment of leaking methane pollution from gas wells in Montney Basin in northeast British Columbia show the need for stronger regulations for the oil and gas industry. B.C. plans to finalize methane regulations…
Moving Forward with Zero-Carbon Hydrogen and Ammonia Fuels
In April 2018, member countries of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced an “initial strategy” for cutting the shipping sector’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2050. If the worst consequences of climate change are to be avoided, major industries like international shipping will need to do more than cut…
Alberta’s Methane Regulations Will Fail to Meet Provincial Reduction Target
Province fails to demonstrate how carbon price and methane rules will achieve the GHG reductions needed to match federal rules.
CATF Goes to Wilmington
CATF recently paid a visit to the GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) Headquarters in Wilmington, NC, after General Electric Hitachi was awarded a Versatile Test Reactor Subcontract
CATF, other groups push EPA to protect natural landscapes from biofuel crop expansion
Clean Air Task Force and Earthjustice filed a petition on behalf of 11 environmental organizations demanding that the Environmental Protection Agency protect prairies and other natural habitats from being plowed under for the purpose of growing more biofuel crops.
Trump EPA’s Proposed Revision to New Power Plant Carbon Dioxide Standards is Worse than Business as Usual
The Clean Air Act, as well as regard for our future, demand that new power plants install the best pollution controls.
CATF Statement: Xcel Energy Aims for Zero-Carbon Electricity by 2050
Clean Air Task Force applauds Xcel Energy’s commitment announced today to provide carbon free energy by 2050, and an 80% reduction in carbon emissions within the next twelve years.
De-Risking Decarbonization
How do we get to the airport when we have an important flight to catch? What we don’t do is leave at the last minute without thinking about whether there is a traffic jam on the way, whether the airport parking garage is full or the length of the airport…