Leslie Abrahams
Forecast with caution: Decarbonized electricity cost projections vs reality – an offshore wind case study
Forecasts play a crucial role in energy and decarbonization policy and investment planning.
The need for deep uncertainty analysis in energy policy and planning
This concept of making decisions with this degree of unknowns about the scope of future states is referred to as decision making under deep uncertainty.
We need clean firm electricity for a decarbonized energy system
If we’re going to decarbonize, we’re going to need a lot more electricity. And if we’re going to do it successfully, affordably, and reliably, we’re going to need to deploy every type of zero-carbon energy technology available to us.
Always wrong, sometimes useful: 5 Tips for understanding the value and limitations of decarbonization models
Models are often at the center of discussions around climate change, mapping out highly uncertain future scenarios to help decision makers understand what needs to be done, by when. Models provide a concrete basis for policy creation, providing comparable scenarios that address the vast array of options and pathways that…