CATF Resources
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EPA’s Oil and Gas Regulations
The Need for an Adequate Commence Construction Window for 45Q Federal Tax Credits for CCUS
Developing a carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) project can take as long as five years and require investments of close to $50 million before construction can begin. To take advantage of the current 45Q tax credit, construction on a CCUS project must commence before January 1, 2024. Despite the…
Memo: Modeled impacts from EPA methane rollbacks
In 2016, U.S. EPA issued landmark standards for new and modified facilities in the oil production and natural gas production, process, and transmission and storage industries. These standards reduce methane and other harmful air pollutants from facilities they cover in several key ways. Furthermore, the promulgation of methane pollution standards…
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
Testimony of Sarah Ann Smith for EPA Hearing on Proposed Policy Amendments to 2012 and 2016 New Source Performance Standards
Read the testimony of Sarah Ann Smith, MESc, Clean Air Task Force On October 17, 2019 for EPA Hearing on Proposed Policy Amendments to 2012 and 2016 New Source Performance Standards for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry.
Potential Human Health Impacts Associated with Retirement of Nuclear Power Plants in Illinois
CATF’s analysis finds significant health and associated economic impact from the loss of zero emission nuclear plants in Illinois. This leads to social, personal and economy-wide consequences for the citizens of Illinois and surrounding states that could be avoided if nuclear plants in Illinois continue to operate. Clean Air Task…
Putting Out the Fire: Reducing Flaring in Tight Oil Fields
Tight oil development in North Dakota and part of Texas is now so extensive that the associated light pollution can be seen from space via satellite images.
CATF Comments on EPA’s 2020/2021 RFS Volume Proposal
Comments by CATF to EPA highlighting the environmental damage associated with the production of RFS-mandated conventional biofuels.