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Federal Court Rejects Trump Administration Cancellation of Methane Pollution Rule
SAN FRANCISCO ― A federal judge late yesterday reinstated the Bureau of Land Management’s 2016 methane waste rule, aimed at protecting people and the climate from methane waste and pollution from oil and gas extraction on public lands. The ruling is the third defeat for the Trump administration’s efforts to…
CATF Statement on European Commission Hydrogen Strategy
The European Commission yesterday released a Hydrogen Strategy that could render Europe a world leader in decarbonization with hydrogen fuels, including an emphasis on enabling infrastructure and utilization in industrial and transportation markets. The Clean Air Task Force (CATF) applauds that direction and looks forward to joining environmental and industry…
Climate Crisis Report Highlights Six Needs for Innovation, Carbon Capture
The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released its long-anticipated Action Plan last week, providing a pathway and policy recommendations for reducing emissions to net-zero by mid-century and prevent the worst effects of climate change. With the inclusion of carbon capture technologies as able “to drastically reduce pollution from multiple industry subsectors by capturing emissions associated with both energy use…
Congress Passes Major Climate and Infrastructure Package to Support Innovation and Clean Energy Economy
Yesterday, the House passed the first bill to ever put climate change at the center of an infrastructure framework. Clean Air Task Force welcomes numerous provisions that show strong and bipartisan support for clean energy and climate action, including direct pay and extension of commence-construction windows for clean technologies and carbon…
Time for Congress to Take the Lead on Climate: Three Key Takeaways from the Select Committee’s Report on the Climate Crisis
Climate change has been a looming threat for decades. Continued delays to take action that would reduce emissions here in the United States, the world’s largest historical emitter, mean that today even more aggressive and more comprehensive action is needed. Yesterday, the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis provided…
Clean Air Task Force on the Release of the Report by the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
Tuesday, June 30 – Today, the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis released a landmark report on the need for aggressive action by Congress to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. After providing detailed input and consultation for the report, Clean Air Task Force welcomes the release. “Decarbonizing the US economy…
CATF Statement on Legal Actions Defending the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards
This morning, over 20 environmental, public health, and civil rights organizations have taken two legal actions to protect the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (“MATS”). The MATS rule, which was issued in 2012, is fully complied with at this point and has resulted in a 96 percent reduction in these…
CATF Statement on EPA Proposal on Costs and Benefits of Clean Air Act Regulations
Hayden Hashimoto, Legal Fellow for Clean Air Task Force, issued the following statement on a new anti-regulatory proposal from EPA: “Today, the Environmental Protection Agency is proposing yet another step to promote polluters’ interests—proposing a rule that would distort longstanding metrics for evaluating the costs and benefits of Clean Air…