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Our Work in Europe

Building an Options-Based Climate Strategy for Europe

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Europe needs a new vision for climate and energy policy.

It is time for the EU and European countries to develop a climate strategy that reflects the scale and complexity of the problem, and that advances the broad set of policy and technology solutions needed to address it. CATF is on the ground in Europe’s capitals, bringing forward innovative climate solutions across the continent.

CATF’s work in Europe

The challenges

Europe has long been a climate leader, with dozens of climate policies touching every major sector. But emissions reductions are still behind schedule.

As the region grapples with an upended geopolitical landscape, climate ambition must not slow.  European climate policy must reckon with global trends in order to chart a stable course into the 2030s and 2040s.

CATF advocates for a full suite of climate solutions that will help Europe reach climate neutrality while also supporting energy security, strengthening competitiveness, and protecting jobs.  

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European policymakers see the opportunity

“Reaching climate neutrality by 2050 will require a wide range of innovative technologies, in areas from mobility to energy.”

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission (Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2024−2029)

Our approach

At CATF, we advocate for an approach to climate neutrality that achieves both long-term energy security and economic growth. We need a climate strategy that includes:

Climate policies that incorporate broad solutions options and enable each country or region to deploy solutions that suits its individual resource endowments and economies.

Long-term policy and investment planning to scale needed climate technologies

More efficiently dispersing existing funding

Additional policy tools and funding to deploy different technology options and support the build-out of connecting infrastructure

Proactive planning to significantly improve the chance of delivering a more efficient and less costly future energy system

Our new vision for Europe

An energy secure, economically strong, climate-neutral Europe, that is delivering a blueprint for achieving net-zero emissions that promotes technology optionality and supports global decarbonisation.

This will include:

  • Faster and more efficient climate infrastructure deployment
  • 24/7 carbon-free electricity
  • Hydrogen deployment in no-regrets sectors
  • Preservation and scaling of nuclear fission
  • Carbon capture and storage deployment
  • Methane mitigation measures, including on imports
  • Real decarbonisation pathways for marine shipping, aviation and heavy freight
  • Pilots and demonstrations of superhot rock geothermal projects
  • Getting real on the role of bio-energy and biomethane
  • Verified and additional carbon dioxide removal measures

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