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“EPA, Are You Listening?”
In response to Shell and ExxonMobil’s methane announcements at CERA Week, Sarah Smith, CATF Program Director, Super Pollutants, said: “It’s not every day that two major oil and gas producers call for tighter climate protections, but that’s what Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil did today. The companies called on the…
“How Does Natural Gas Production Contribute to Ozone Pollution?”: A Podcast with The Endocrine Disruption Exchange
Lesley Fleischman, Senior Analyst with Clean Air Task Force, answers the question “How does natural gas production contribute to ozone pollution?” In an interview with Carol Kwiatkowski, Executive Director of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX), Lesley explains how ozone is formed due to venting and leaking of volatile organic compounds…
The ExxonMobil Statement on Proposed Methane Standards: A Closer Look
“Exxon urges EPA to maintain methane rules,” proclaimed the Houston Chronicle on December 20. Reuters was even more celebratory: “Exxon Mobil opposes weakening Obama-era emission rules: letter to EPA.” From these headlines and other news articles on ExxonMobil’s comments filed in response to the Administration’s proposal to dramatically weaken the…
Photos from B.C.’s Leaking Methane Gas Wells Confirm Need for Stronger Regulations
EARTHWORKS, PEMBINA INSTITUTE, CLEAN AIR TASK FORCE AND DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION VANCOUVER — Images taken with high-tech equipment of leaking methane pollution from gas wells in Montney Basin in northeast British Columbia show the need for stronger regulations for the oil and gas industry. B.C. plans to finalize methane regulations…
Health Risks in Pennsylvania from Oil and Gas Air Pollution – UPDATE
With 17% of the nation’s natural gas production and more than 8% of the nation’s oil and gas wells, compressors and processing plants located in the state, Pennsylvanians bear much of the health risks caused by oil and natural gas industry air pollution. And now, based on data from the…
Alberta’s Methane Regulations Will Fail to Meet Provincial Reduction Target
Province fails to demonstrate how carbon price and methane rules will achieve the GHG reductions needed to match federal rules.
A Comparative Assessment of Alberta’s Oil and Gas Methane Emissions Under the ECCC rules and AER’S Draft Directive 060
Based on new comprehensive modeling, Alberta’s draft methane regulations will reduce far less harmful methane pollution than if Alberta’s oil and gas producers followed the federal methane regulations enacted earlier this year by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). This analysis is based on emissions estimates and models provided directly…
Time to Celebrate a Climate Success: Mexico’s Methane Regulations for the Oil and Gas Sector Have Raised the Bar for the Rest of the World
The alarm rang at 3:15 am. Of course, I didn’t get the text from the airline that my flight was delayed till I was already in the cab to the airport. A one-hour delay meant my connection in Newark was going to be tight, real tight. Like sprinting through the…