The importance of carbon management for a climate-neutral Germany

Clean Air Task Force has identified the need for Germany to develop carbon management technologies if it wishes to reach its legally-binding target of climate neutrality by 2045. In recent months, four comprehensive studies have been completed by Ariadne, Agora Energiewende, Deutsche Energie-Agentur (Dena) and the Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.(BDI). The studies assessed the various pathways Germany could take to reach net zero by 2045.
A common theme across all of the studies is the significant role played by carbon management. In all of the studies, carbon capture and storage, direct air capture and bioenergy carbon capture and storage are essential to decarbonise difficult-to-electrify sectors such as steel and cement.
However, in order to develop these technologies, developing transport and storage infrastructure will be critical to enabling carbon management. Since this infrastructure requires significant investment it is critical that Germany takes action now to develop carbon dioxide transport and storage infrastructure in order to reach its climate goals.
Please read our two-page overview for more details.