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Zero-emission technologies for pneumatic controllers in the USA
A pneumatic controller is a device that monitors certain process variables such as temperature, pressure liquid level, etc., and generates an output signal to drive a control element, such as a control valve. Natural gas driven pneumatic controllers are used widely in the oil and gas industry. These devices release…
Overview of U.S. Carbon Management Projects
After the reform of 45Q in 2018, the interest in carbon management technologies such as capture and direct air capture has been unprecedented.
Cut methane to avoid passing climate tipping points
We can take quick action now by cutting methane emissions to stop the pollution that is causing much of the melting in the first place.
Diesel pollution is a deadly problem in the United States
New map and data visualization tool, Deaths by Dirty Diesel, highlights the enormous price that communities in the U.S. pay in negative health impacts from diesel pollution.
New CATF tool maps the staggering U.S. health and economic damages caused by diesel emissions
A new interactive tool from Clean Air Task Force maps the staggering damage that diesel emissions from the transportation sector inflict on U.S. communities.
GAO report highlights the importance of DOE carbon capture and storage demonstration funding
GAO report on carbon capture and storage shows where things stand now and what’s possible in the future under improved policy conditions.
Carbon Management Provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA), signed into law on November 15, contains the largest single investment in carbon management provisions since the Department of Energy (DOE) began funding carbon capture research in 1997.
Why Supporting Hydrogen in Build Back Better is Good for the Climate
Six reasons that the hydrogen production tax credit (PTC) in the Build Back Better Act (BBBA) is good policy and essential to kickstart full decarbonization.