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Advancing durable climate action for a zero-carbon future

Azerbaijan hosted the 29th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP29) in Baku from 11 November — 22 November 2024. 

We need durable climate policies 

Geopolitical fragmentation, economic competition, and shifting political dynamics have revealed the shortcomings of global climate action. We need a new framework that aligns climate policies with economic and security imperatives through innovative partnerships and leadership. 

With the finance to back them up 

While there’s extensive discussion around increasing funding for climate action to emerging and developing economies, most proposed solutions lack thorough analysis on scalability, plausibility, and impact. We need more research and more attention on domestic market policies that address root causes, not just symptoms. 

We’re asking the hard questions   

At COP29, we’re forcing hard conversations that push the climate movement out of its comfort zone grappling with the full scope and complexity of the climate challenge and advancing the range of solutions we need to meet it. 

Our message to global leaders

At COP29, CATF is calling for government, industry, finance, and civil society to reckon with the full scope and scale of the challenge and take the immediate actions needed to meet it.

That means understanding that:

  • We need more energy, not less. We must respect the imperatives of energy security and energy access, particularly in the developing world.
  • We need more climate solutions, not fewer. There are no silver bullets. We must advance a wide range of solutions to maximize our chances of success.
  • One size does not fit all. We must allow for region-centric approaches that respect regional diversity, mitigation opportunities, energy resources and security needs, and the development imperatives of the Global South.
  • Economy-wide inclusion is key. We won’t get where we need to without buy-in from the full climate and energy ecosystem. We must work within the economic realities of the energy, industrial, and land sectors, mitigating emissions while seeking opportunities for engagement with industry on the road to a zero-emissions future.
  • Accountability is critical. Public and sometimes symbolic pledges can set the stage for action, but we need detailed plans that can be implemented in the real world and achieved in realistic timeframes. All stakeholders must be held accountable for tangible and meaningful outcomes. 


For speaking engagement inquiries, please contact Amy Patrickson.

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News from COP29

Explore insights, research, and the latest COP29 news from CATF’s experts.

Please contact Troy Shaheen or Natalie Volk for media and press inquiries.

CATF experts on the ground at COP29 

Jonathan Banks, Global Director, Methane Pollution Prevention

Lee Beck, Senior Director, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

Sam Bowers, U.S. Policy Manager, Carbon Capture

Harlan Cutshall, Director, Foundation Giving

Kathy Fallon, Director, Land Systems Program

Sehila Gonzalez de Vicente, Global Director, Fusion Energy

Paula García Holley, Latin America Policy Manager, Methane Pollution Prevention

Mary Louks, Director, Events and Engagement

Alfredo Miranda-González, Deputy Director, International Methane

Lily Odarno, Director, Energy and Climate Innovation, Africa

Amy Patrickson, Liaison for Europe and the Middle East

Malwina Qvist, Director, Nuclear Energy Program

Kasparas Spokas, Director of Insights and Integration Strategy

Troy Shaheen, Communications Director

Rebecca Tremain, Director of UK Policy

Zitely Tzompa Sosa, Research Manager, Methane Pollution Prevention

Natalie Volk, Communications Manager

David Yellen, Director, Climate Policy Innovation

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Find answers to your common questions around COP29.

What is COP?

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is an annual climate conference hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an international environmental treaty adopted by countries all around the world in 1994 to address the issue of climate change. 198 Parties have ratified the agreement (197 countries plus the European Union), representing almost universal global involvement.

The objectives of the UNFCCC are to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere “at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic (human induced) interference with the climate system”. COP serves as a yearly meeting of the Parties to the UNFCCC to discuss progress and action toward achieving these goals.

Why is COP important?

COP provides an important mechanism for ratcheting up ambition, accountability, and action – while increasing coordination between Parties and wider stakeholders. The climate challenge requires multinational, multisectoral cooperation, and international fora can accelerate action — elevating the voices of those most vulnerable to climate change’s impacts on an international stage, creating opportunities to foster cooperation between countries who might otherwise be at odds, and providing a forum through which to ask and work through difficult questions.

Why is COP29 important?

With Azerbaijan set to host, COP29 will mark the second consecutive major fossil fuel exporter to host the climate conference; and in this case a petrostate inextricably linked with geopolitical complexity. As a major gas exporter to Europe, an importer of Russian gas, and the lingering shadow of conflict with Armenia in the region, geopolitics and the role of oil and gas will once again be at the forefront. 

A key issue at COP29 will be the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (NCQG). Countries are expected to agree on a post-2025 climate finance target, as the current goal—$100 billion per year from developed nations—will expire in 2025. This goal was first met in 2022, but a 2023 report by the Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance estimated that developing countries will require $2.4 trillion annually by 2030 to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Determining who will contribute to this new goal, and how much, will be one of the most contentious issues at COP29.

Countries will also continue negotiations around Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which enables voluntary cooperation and carbon credit trading to meet emissions targets. Key areas of progress include finalizing monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) requirements and processes for the Article 6.4 Crediting Mechanism, allowing the exchange of greenhouse gas offset credits for emissions reductions and removals between nations. Negotiations are ongoing and include developing and/or approving methodologies, registering activities, accrediting third-party verification bodies, and managing the Article 6.4 Registry.  

The conference will also spotlight the Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs), which require countries to report on their progress toward implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. The BTRs, due by December 31, 2024, mark the first major test of the Paris Agreement’s transparency and accountability framework and will be a crucial measure of whether countries are delivering on their climate promises. 

Finally, as countries work to update their national climate targets, known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), COP29 will be essential for pushing further ambition. With the next round of NDCs due ahead of COP30, COP29 provides an opportunity to rally countries toward more aggressive decarbonization efforts. The Global Stocktake has shown that we are far off track to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, making it critical for COP29 to serve as a turning point in accelerating global climate action. 


What is the agenda at COP29?

COP29 will feature the following thematic days: 

  • November 11: Opening Day
  • November 12-13: World Leaders Climate Action Summit
  • November 14: Finance, Investment, and Trade
  • November 15: Energy / Peace, Relief, and Recovery
  • November 16: Science, Technology, and Innovation / Digitalization
  • November 17: Rest Day
  • November 18: Human Development / Children and Youth / Health / Education
  • November 19: Food, Water, and Agriculture
  • November 20: Urbanization / Transport / Tourism
  • November 21: Indigenous People / Gender Equality / Nature and Biodiversity / Oceans and Coastal Zones
  • November 22: Final Negotiations

For more information on the COP29 agenda and its thematic days, visit:  

Where is COP held?

COP is hosted by a different country each year and typically rotates through different geographic regions. The first meeting (COP1) took place in Berlin, Germany. COP28, in 2023, was held in Dubai, UAE. 

In 2024, the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan.  

When did COP start?

The first COP was held in Berlin in 1995.It was a milestone that set the stage for future protocols and agreements for nations to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

Who takes part in COP?

COP brings together tens of thousands of diplomats, ministers, and negotiators from nearly 200 countries. The conferences are also attended by representatives from civil society, business and finance leaders, academic experts, international organizations, activists, and the media.

What has been achieved at previous COPs?

Several landmark commitments, treaties, and funding mechanisms have emerged from these annual meetings.

At COP3 in Kyoto, Japan, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted with a commitment to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in industrialized countries. The Kyoto Protocol was ultimately replaced by the Bali Roadmap in 2007 (which included all countries rather than just industrialized nations) but laid an important foundation for later agreements.

In 2015, at COP21, the Paris Agreement was unanimously adopted, aiming to keep the rise in the global average temperature to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and ideally to 1.5 degrees Celsius. It also included provisions to strengthen the ability to adapt to climate change and build resilience and align all finance flows with “a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.” As part of the Paris Agreement, countries agreed to set emissions reductions targets and communicate these targets to the UNFCCC in the form of nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

At COP24 in Katowice, Poland, Parties agreed the Katowice Climate Package, which sets out procedures and mechanisms to make the Paris Agreement operational. This includes implementation guidance for NDCs, for reporting on adaptation and climate impacts, and how to conduct the Global Stocktake to assess overall progress towards the Paris Agreement aims.

At COP26 in Glasglow, UK, the Glasgow Climate Pact for the first time called on all nations to phase down unabated coal power and inefficient subsidies for fossil fuels. It also saw the launch of the Global Methane Pledge, where over 115 countries committed to reducing methane emissions by 30% by 2030. Methane is a harmful climate pollutant that must be mitigated alongside carbon dioxide to prevent near term warming and avoid passing potentially irreversible climate tipping points.

At COP28 in Dubai, UAE, the final negotiated text recognized the need to transition the global energy system by advancing a wide range of clean energy solutions and rapidly cutting methane emissions — while acknowledging the need for regionally tailored approaches that contend with economic and geopolitical realities. Outside of the negotiating room, COP28 broke new ground with major commitments around methane mitigation, nuclear energy deployment, oil and gas decarbonization, fusion energy, and more.

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