John Thompson
Decarbonizing U.S. industry: Progress and opportunities
Read on to learn about the current momentum to accelerate industrial decarbonization and what must happen next.
Air Pollutant Reductions From Carbon Capture
This report provides a rigorous engineering analysis of the air quality impacts of integrating carbon capture technology on two hard-to-decarbonize industrial processes and finds a significant reduction in health-harming air pollutants along with reductions in carbon pollution. The analysis in the report involved modeling the impacts on carbon dioxide (CO2)…
EPA’s golden opportunity to dramatically reduce climate pollution from the U.S. fossil fuel-fired power fleet
Pollution standards are designed to ensure that polluters control their emissions instead of imposing them on people and the planet.
The time is now: The Biden administration must adopt strict CO2 emission standards for the power sector
The problem of climate pollution from the power sector is so great that it demands both pushes and pulls.
GAO report highlights the importance of DOE carbon capture and storage demonstration funding
GAO report on carbon capture and storage shows where things stand now and what’s possible in the future under improved policy conditions.
Industrial carbon capture: Reducing emissions with higher 45Q values
How much carbon dioxide will the industrial sector capture if Congress raises the value of 45Q tax credits?
Scaling Up Climate Ambition: Carbon Capture, Removal, and Storage Priorities in the 117th Congress
Carbon capture, removal, and storage technologies are essential for achieving climate and net-zero emissions goals.
Bipartisan Support for Carbon Capture Jobs
Bipartisan support is growing for carbon capture. Both Democrats and Republicans support new efforts to enhance tax credits that reward companies for capturing CO2 and storing it underground. These credits, known as 45Q, are the primary federal policy driver for CCS. First, President Biden’s American Jobs Plan advocates 45Q enhancements…