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Council on Environmental Quality updates key regulations to improve the federal environmental review process, reducing barriers to clean energy
Today, the Council on Environmental Quality finalized phase 2 of its revision to government-wide National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Dual-use solar: An exploration of potential in the San Joaquin Valley
This blog investigates the potential of dual-use solar in a particular region — California’s San Joaquin Valley (“the Valley”).
New report finds California’s San Joaquin Valley can uniquely benefit from the clean energy transition
A new report finds that California’s San Joaquin Valley is in a unique position to benefit from the clean energy transition.
The state of siting: New E3 report identifies recommendations and best practices for state-level renewable energy siting reform
Rapidly accelerating the deployment of renewable energy projects is paramount for the United States to meet its net zero by 2050 climate goal.
Shoring up transmission: How an under-explored option could unlock the promise of offshore wind
Offshore wind is a ready-to-deploy clean energy technology that can play a key role in decarbonizing electricity.
Dual-use solar: U.S. policy considerations to drive clean energy deployment
Dual-use solar has the potential to provide added environmental, social, and economic benefits compared to traditional solar development.
The technical potential for clean energy deployment on BLM and other federal lands in the lower forty-eight United States
The U.S. needs to increase the pace and scale of clean energy deployment. Federal lands may hold more opportunity than previously considered.
Dual-use solar: What it is and how it can help ease tensions between clean energy deployment and land use
Achieving global decarbonization requires the rapid and widespread deployment of clean energy infrastructure.