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Governments across the Americas showcase methane leadership at Summit of the Americas
Governments across the Americas showcased their leadership on methane today at a convening at the Summit of the Americas.
CATF provides EPA with guidance to decarbonize U.S. power sector
Clean Air Task Force harnessed its legal and technical expertise in the Clean Air Act, power sector, and climate pollution abatement to provide the EPA with detailed comments.
Middle East and North Africa region has potential to lead as an exporter of low-carbon fuels, CATF report finds
A new report from Clean Air Task Force explores the potential for MENA to position itself for leadership in the growing global market for low-carbon hydrogen.
California demonstrates commitment to cut methane, allocating $100 million for remote sensing
California Governor Gavin Newsom’s newly proposed state budget signals a commitment to rein in harmful methane emissions – directing $100 million to remote methane sensing.
RePowerEU: Europe must find win-win climate solutions as it seeks energy security
RePowerEU is an opportunity for European policymakers to seek new energy security options that also deliver deep decarbonisation.
Europe’s new gas deals should prioritize wasted methane
To wean Europe off Russian gas, leaders are scrambling to find new supplies to quench their countries’ thirst for energy.
Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review
NOAA analysis finds surge in atmospheric methane, highlighting urgent need for emissions reductions
New analysis on surging levels of methane in the atmosphere highlights urgent need for coordinated global effort to reduce methane emissions.