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Joint Letter: Consideration of Methane Emissions in Energy Contracts
Clean Air Task Force (CATF) joined NGOs in a joint letter calling on the European Commission to consider methane emissions in the development and renewal of energy contracts with new providers and partner countries.
Addressing methane emissions in Ghana’s oil and gas and waste sectors
Ghana, one of the leading economies in Africa, is showing a strong interest in managing its emissions both from the oil and gas and the waste sectors, and CATF is proud to support these efforts by providing technical and policy support.
Challenges and opportunities to scaling up methane mitigation finance
Despite its outsized role in slowing climate change, financing to cut methane emissions is seriously lagging.
Barriers and Solutions to Scaling-up Methane Finance
This report identifies barriers standing in the way of critical funding for global methane mitigation and lays out recommendations for both funders and recipients.
Key changes needed to fix funding ecosystem for global methane mitigation, finds CATF report
A new report from Clean Air Task Force identifies barriers standing in the way of critical funding for global methane mitigation.
A New Partnership: Tackling methane emissions from waste in Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
Recently, CATF’s experts visited Naucalpan de Juárez (Naucalpan), Mexico to meet with local officials, learn about the progress they’re making on sustainable waste management, and understand how they plan to implement waste methane mitigation best practices at the municipality’s landfill.
Global Waste Sector Methane
Clean Air Task Force and RMI, with funding from the Global Methane Hub, will launch the Waste Methane Assessment Platform (Waste MAP) to provide an accessible online tool that highlights emissions, mitigation opportunities, and best practices to reduce solid waste methane emissions, providing a clear pathway for achieving the Global…
Petition for Rulemaking to Revise the New Source Performance Standards and Emission Guidelines for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Clean Air Task Force joined other NGOs urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to begin its required review of municipal solid waste performance standards and emission guidelines under Section 111 of the Clean Air Act.