CATF Resources
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Managing Air Quality to Benefit Health & Climate in India
Arctic Webinar 2011 – Arctic Glacier and Ice Sheet Contributions to Sea Level Rise – a current assessment for 2011-2100
EPA Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule
CATF Testimony to U.S. EPA regarding Proposed Rule to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Consumption from Heavy-duty Highway Vehicles
Geoengineering and Climate Policy: Risk, Knowledge, and Inertia
The Toll from Coal: An Updated Assessment of Death and Disease from America’s Dirtiest Energy Source
Among all industrial sources of air pollution, none poses greater risks to human health and the environment than coal-fired power plants.
Perspectives on Monitoring of Saline and EOR Geologic Carbon Injection and Sequestration Sites
Geologic carbon sequestration offers both the potential to provide a permanent sink for industrial CO2 emissions, and added value to tertiary enhanced oil and gas recovery (EOR). Subsurface injection of carbon dioxide is a proven technology developed in the EOR industry over the past three decades. However, EOR efforts have…
A Plan to Enhance Energy Efficiency by Harmonizing Federal Energy Efficiency Programs