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Workplace Giving

Support climate solutions at work

Now more than ever, it’s clear that a secure climate future depends on adding multiple climate strategies to our arsenal of solutions. Donating through your employer is a powerful way to support climate action.

Give today and let’s partner! For partnership inquiries, please contact Jess Kubis, Senior Manager of Development Partnerships, at [email protected].

Did you know that only 3% of giving goes to environmental causes?

Your workplace giving can play a big role in solving the climate challenge! As a team you can feel confident that you’re investing in an organization that has been consistently recognized by 3rd party validators as one of the world’s most effective impactful cost-effective, and trusted climate organizations.

Our workplace giving distribution partners:

10 reasons why CATF is a good match for your charitable gift

CATF is 100% powered by philanthropic support from individuals, foundations, corporations, and collaborative funding groups from around the world. Thanks to the generosity of people like you who care deeply about addressing climate change and decarbonizing the energy system, we have the resources and talent to forge key pathways for transformation in climate action, including:

  1. Fighting coal in the U.S. and globally through a highly strategic and scalable campaign that has helped to retire more than one third of U.S. coal-fired power plant capacity over the last decade.
  2. Cutting methane emissions by harvesting new scientific evidence on the dangers of methane, launching the first global effort to manage methane, and developing the only methane mitigation planning digital platform to help countries estimate and reduce methane emissions from their oil and gas industries.
  3. Mainstreaming carbon capture and storage (CCS) as key technologies to control pollution from fossil fuels and decarbonize heavy emitting industries by informing and advocating for effective policies.
  4. Putting nuclear energy back on the climate and energy security agenda by conducting research and analysis and developing the conditions for advancements in the industry.
  5. Amplifying zero-carbon fuels like hydrogen and ammonia as climate solutions for hard-to-electrify industries, including marine shipping, heavy-duty trucking, high-temperature industrial process heating, ironmaking, long-duration energy storage, and aviation.
  1. Initiating catalytic efforts to pioneer new clean energy solutions like superhot rock energy and fusion energy.
  2. Informing the U.S. climate agenda by playing a major role in designing and enacting the largest-ever funding initiatives for climate technology in U.S. history via the Inflation Reduction Act ($783 billion) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ($1.2 trillion).
  3. Disrupting “business-as-usual” in Europe by creating the only options-based and industry-forward climate policy team in Europe to ensure that pragmatism trumps ideology.
  4. Catalyzing a new vision for an energy-independent and prosperous Africa by launching a visionary Energy and Climate Innovation in Africa program to support thought leadership, advance solutions to energy poverty, and catalyze climate innovation on the continent.
  5. Activating climate action in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by developing and advancing key industry research and policy design, and facilitating partnerships that seek to advance the rapid adoption of decarbonization technologies.

Our passion for solutions drives our actions

We don’t defer to conventional climate thinking but focus on results-driven strategies that lead to impact. We’re an independent, fact-based organization powered by a team of pragmatic problem solvers, industry experts from the nonprofit and private sector, and strategic thinkers with decades of collective knowledge and experience.

CATF’s 2022 Impact Report

Explore our annual impact report highlighting our work and global efforts to meet the climate challenge.

Let’s partner!

Aim higher with your team’s workplace giving goals, and help your staff feel inspired, activated and proud of their collective and personal impact.

Make a gift and help us protect the planet!

For partnership inquiries, please contact Jess Kubis, Senior Manager of Development Partnerships, at [email protected] or make a contribution today.

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Words from our corporate donors whose employees voted to support CATF

“This donation stems from our Annual Thank You Day in September, with a mission to appreciate our employees and teams, and provide an opportunity for them to thank each other. This year, we asked our employees to give thanks/shout-outs to each other, and for each one given, we would donate $5 to a charity. We’ve had some colleagues donate to you and suggested that we choose your organization this year.”

KPMG International Services Ltd

“We are proud supporters of Clean Air Task Force, a global nonprofit with the bold ideas needed to address climate change. Their solutions are based on scientific evidence, intellectual integrity, and pragmatism, as the climate crisis is a complex challenge and stakes are too high to limit our options.”

Sekisui Diagnostics

“Each year we make a corporate donation in lieu of holiday gifts, this year we have chosen your organization, Clean Air Task Force. Climate change is important to us at Centigrade and we value your independence to help finance research, public advocacy, and partnerships within the private sector.”

Craigslist Charitable Fund

Workplace giving FAQs

What is workplace giving?

Workplace giving is a low-cost and efficient way for employees to make tax-deductible donations to charities through payroll contributions. Workplace giving programs are also commonly referred to as corporate giving programs or employee giving programs. Employees determine the charities they choose to support and pledge a tax-deductible (if applicable in their country) donation amount. The pledged donation amount is automatically deducted from payroll, offering a convenient means of giving.

What are the benefits of workplace giving?

Ongoing payroll contributions provide a much-needed, steady stream of revenue to charities to further their work and impact. Workplace giving contributes an estimated $5 billion to U.S. charities each year. Over 75% of Fortune 500 companies have a workplace giving program. If board members, volunteers, or supporters work for companies with a workplace giving program, this can be an additional source of funding for our nonprofit organization. Nonprofits also save time and resources by participating in workplace giving programs. They can receive gifts in a cost-efficient way without spending time soliciting donations. Instead, that time can go to doing good. Additionally a company’s employees tend to be happier working for companies that support generous giving initiatives and 69% of employees feel a stronger sense of loyalty to their employer if they have a workplace giving program.

Is my workplace giving program donation tax-deductible?

In these programs, your charitable contributions are typically tax deductible. Double-check with your employer to fully understand the tax implications.

How do I initiate my workplace giving donation?

Check with your Corporate Social Responsibility Representative, Human Resources, or Community Relations department to find out if your company has a workplace giving program.

How can my company support Clean Air Task Force through workplace giving?

United States federal government employees: Military and federal employees can give through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). You can find us under Clean Air Task Force Inc. The CFC number is 56168.

Private company employees: Many employees can give to the charity of their choice through their workplace giving campaign. If you don’t see Clean Air Task Force listed in your company’s campaign, simply type or write in “Clean Air Task Force, Tax Identification #04-3512550, Address: 1255 23rd Street, NW, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02109” within the form provided by your employer.

If your company has a workplace giving program, Clean Air Task Force could be featured as a “charity of choice” during an upcoming campaign. We recommend checking with your Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, or Community Relations team.)

What is an EIN?

The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Every IRS-designated, tax-exempt nonprofit organization has a unique EIN. Our EIN is 04-3512550.

How can I be sure my workplace giving donation reaches my nominated charity? How can I verify I have chosen the right charity?

To designate Clean Air Task Force as your charity, conduct a search by using our name, our address (Clean Air Task Force, 114 State Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02109) or our EIN number (04-3512550).

Will employees receive a tax receipt for their donations?

Yes, but distribution will depend on the donation process. If your company uses a platform like Benevity, the receipt will be managed through that system. If the company makes the donations to CATF directly, we will manage the tax receipt for the donations.

Can my payroll deduction be matched by my employer?

If your employer has a matching gift program, then yes! Many companies match donations to a wide range of organizations, with few restrictions. Most companies match at a 1:1 ratio (a dollar for a dollar), but ratios can range from 0.5:1 to 4:1. You can check with your Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources, or Community Relations teams, or you can use our search tool to determine if your employer will match your donation and find the forms needed to submit your request.

Why Clean Air Task Force?

CATF is a global environmental organization working to address climate change and promote clean air by changing the policies, business practices, technologies, and narratives necessary to catalyze the rapid advancement of carbon-free energy sources and other climate-protecting solutions. No matter how much you choose to donate per paycheck or with a one-time contribution, your donations support CATF’s work to safeguard against the worst impacts of climate change and exploring all viable climate solutions that offer promise.

Your Federal Employee Giving Counts

Are you concerned about the future of our planet and how to solve climate change? Choose CATF for your Federal employee payroll deductions & invest in an organization laser-focused on net-zero solutions. To donate, use the CFC code # 56168.