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Upcoming Events


From Crisis to Resilience: Addressing Energy Affordability, Decarbonisation, and Competitiveness in Romania

While Romania has taken steps to mitigate the immediate impacts of the energy crisis through price caps, it now faces the twin challenge of managing limited fiscal space while ensuring affordable energy for both households and industry.

Nuclear Scaling Initiative: Building a New Nuclear Ecosystem

This workshop will be held during the Baltic Nuclear Energy Forum and will focus on the concepts and strategy behind the Nuclear Scaling Initiative.

power lines

Clean Firm Electricity Supply and Load Growth

This webinar will present a systems-wide view on electricity system transformation.

Go Net Zero Energy Summit: Central and Eastern Europe

The Go Net Zero Energy Summit will bring together key stakeholders across the energy industry in a closed, business-focused environment.


Driving Forward: Czechia’s Transportation Gambit

This webinar will explore how Czechia is pivoting to low-emission vehicles production and what lessons can be learned so far.

European Carbon Capture Group

Carbon Capture Congress

Join CATF’s Codie Rossi, Europe Policy Manager for Carbon Capture, at the Carbon Capture Congress.

the baltics

The Role of Interconnectivity and Digitalization in the Baltic Energy Transition

This webinar will delve into the role of digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) in the energy transition of the Baltic states.

Nuclear Energy: Key Facts and Issues (Warsaw)

This course will focus on nuclear energy’s role in achieving climate goals while ensuring secure and affordable energy. 

Nuclear Energy: Key Facts and Issues (D.C.)

This course will focus on nuclear energy’s role in achieving climate goals while ensuring secure and affordable energy. 

Past Events