CATF experts address climate solutions locally and globally. Find an event near you. For questions, contact [email protected].
Upcoming Events

From Crisis to Resilience: Addressing Energy Affordability, Decarbonisation, and Competitiveness in Romania
While Romania has taken steps to mitigate the immediate impacts of the energy crisis through price caps, it now faces the twin challenge of managing limited fiscal space while ensuring affordable energy for both households and industry.

Nuclear Scaling Initiative: Building a New Nuclear Ecosystem
This workshop will be held during the Baltic Nuclear Energy Forum and will focus on the concepts and strategy behind the Nuclear Scaling Initiative.

Clean Firm Electricity Supply and Load Growth
This webinar will present a systems-wide view on electricity system transformation.

Go Net Zero Energy Summit: Central and Eastern Europe
The Go Net Zero Energy Summit will bring together key stakeholders across the energy industry in a closed, business-focused environment.

Driving Forward: Czechia’s Transportation Gambit
This webinar will explore how Czechia is pivoting to low-emission vehicles production and what lessons can be learned so far.

Carbon Capture Congress
Join CATF’s Codie Rossi, Europe Policy Manager for Carbon Capture, at the Carbon Capture Congress.

The Role of Interconnectivity and Digitalization in the Baltic Energy Transition
This webinar will delve into the role of digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) in the energy transition of the Baltic states.

Nuclear Energy: Key Facts and Issues (Warsaw)
This course will focus on nuclear energy’s role in achieving climate goals while ensuring secure and affordable energy.

Nuclear Energy: Key Facts and Issues (D.C.)
This course will focus on nuclear energy’s role in achieving climate goals while ensuring secure and affordable energy.
Past Events
Clean Electricity Standards: Design Choices and Considerations for State Officials and Stakeholders
This webinar is for state officials and other interested parties seeking to learn more about what a CES is, how it works, why it is important, and the tradeoffs and policy options when designing a state CES.
Clearing the Air on Carbon Capture and Storage
Join experts from the Clean Air Task Force, the University of Sheffield, Imperial College London, and Delft Technical University as they explore how carbon capture and storage can be harnessed for the benefit of the climate.
How Central and Eastern Europe is Driving Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage
Join us for an event that showcases key CCS projects from across the CEE region, focusing on the cutting-edge techniques and strategies these projects employ.
Poland: Keeping Tabs on the Region’s Industrial Powerhouse
This webinar will focus on Poland, the industrial powerhouse of the CEE region, and one of Europe’s most carbon-intensive economies.
Central and Eastern Europe in the World
This webinar will explore Central and Eastern Europe’s revitalized international partnerships in the face of major geopolitical shifts.
COP29 | Investing in people and planet
14:30 – 16:00
Saudi Pavilion, Blue Zone
Host: AEON Collective -
COP29 | Action to reduce methane emissions from energy infrastructure
14:00 – 15:30
Methane Action Hub, Blue Zone
Hosts: Global Methane Hub and U.S. Department of Transportation -
COP29 | Mitigating methane from waste in the Global South: Pathways to COP30 in Belem
15:00 – 16:30
Waste and Resources Pavilion, Green Zone
Host: International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)