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IPCC report underscores importance of advancing a broad portfolio of mitigation strategies while rapidly reducing methane emissions
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Working Group III report on mitigation today.
Building the movement: CATF’s leadership to reduce super pollutants
In 2000, we became one of the first environmental organizations to sound the alarm on methane and black carbon pollution.
New IPCC report underscores importance of rapid emissions reductions
Recently, the IPCC released its Working Group II report, the latest in a long line of reports that illustrate the urgent need for climate action.
A nimble approach to advocacy: CATF’s early campaigns
As we celebrate our 25th anniversary this year, we’re taking the opportunity to reflect on our impact, consider the challenges we’ve faced, and ensure our successes inform our current efforts as we expand our global footprint and capabilities. This month, we’re diving deep into CATF’s humble beginnings and early successes,…
A blueprint for climate action, 25 years in the making
In recognition of our 25th anniversary, we’re showcasing our history of impact in a new monthly blog series this year.
Cut methane to avoid passing climate tipping points
We can take quick action now by cutting methane emissions to stop the pollution that is causing much of the melting in the first place.
A Landmark Year for Clean Air Task Force
2021 has been a landmark year for Clean Air Task Force, and for the movement to decarbonize the global economy and energy system.
USAID climate strategy overlooks key opportunities
The draft strategy gives short shrift to advanced clean energy technologies and measures to reduce short-lived climate pollutants.