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Tracking CO₂ storage project
capacity in Europe

Geological storage of CO₂ will need to be rapidly scaled up to help Europe meet its climate goals. CATF’s European CO₂ storage tracker shows the target annual and total capacities that have been publicly announced by CO₂ storage projects across Europe. Capacity projections reflect estimated expansion rates between announced target milestones. Project expansion rates and final injection capacities are likely to be more constrained in practice.

  • Storage capacity in the UK is currently unavailable to CO₂ from the EU due to regulatory barriers – primarily the legal separation of the Emissions Trading Systems.
  • The scale-up of injection capacity announced by several projects is ambitious, and storage project development can take at least 5 years. Only two storage sites, (associated with Northern Lights and Porthos) are under construction today.
  • There is significant uncertainty in the actual injection capacities that can be realised at a given site until more detailed characterisation has taken place.